The Family of Howie Guitars

Escape Series

The Escape Series is our flagship guitar.  It was named for our desire to Escape the jobs we were holding when we started Howie Guitars.  It features every innovation Howie Guitars has to offer including our US Patented nautilus shell internal design, golden ratio radiused fretboard, Fibonacci archtop carving, intricate inlay designs, and the best hardware and pickups on the market.  Every other series of guitar we have to offer is derived from this series.    

Griffin Series

The Griffin Series is named after Craig’s youngest son Griffin.  It was developed to add a more rock n roll style hollow body to the line.  It has all of the innovations of the Escape Series minus the internal nautilus shells.  We generally put very aggressive pickups in this guitar.  If you are looking for a lightweight guitar with a unique rock n roll sound, this is the guitar for you.   

Bull Series

The Bull Series is named after Craig’s oldest son Grable (nicknamed Bull).  The Bull Basses have all of the innovations of the Escape series including our US Patented Nautilus shell internal design, golden ratio radiused fretboard, Fibonacci arch top carving, intricate inlay designs, and the best hardware and pickups on the market. 

Phoenix Series

The Phoenix Series is our line of guitars made from recycled and or reclaimed wood.  The production of the other three series of guitars produces a lot of scrap wood that can be used.  Reclaimed barn wood has also proven to be a popular stock for these guitars.  We want these guitars and basses to be at a much lower price point in an attempt to get more first-time guitar players hooked.  The ultimate goal is to donate a portion of the sales of each Phoenix guitar to a giveaway program in Elementary and Middle schools.  Imagine if every school music department in the nation had a Phoenix program.  All of these kids would have the life-changing experience of learning to play guitar.  Just think of the potential guitar heroes we could create!